Travelling has become almost second nature. Instead of saving up for a house, more and more of us are saving up for a long, cost-effective, whirlwind trip across Europe or South America. –
With 62 passport stamps collected, Kat has been serious about travelling the world since the age of 21. Now working as a country specialist for a luxury travel company, she recalls her first travel memory going to a Spanish villa as a kid.
TES: Why do you like travelling?
KR: I like travelling as you can immerse yourself in different cultures, find out how other people live, try new foods, learn other languages and make new friends from all over the world. You can be yourself and find out who you are and what you want to do.
TES: Your best travel tip/advice?
KR: Always be open to new experiences.
TES: Top 3 travel essentials?
KR: Face wipes, at least two bank cards (one hidden in your luggage) and a pashmina as it can double up as a blanket or something to lay on at the beach.
TES: The best place you have travelled to and why?
KR: Mexico! I love the Spanish language and the country is so diverse with so much to see. The food is epic.
TES: Worst travel experience?
KR: When I arrived in Mombasa with no luggage and no one to pick me up from the airport and no battery on my phone.
TES: Ever felt vulnerable during your travels and how did you overcome this?
KR: Yea all the time meeting new people and learning new cultures can be quite scary! I overcome this by remembering this is an amazing once in a life time experience! Sometimes if it gets a bit too much having a quick chat to my mum always helps ?
With many more exciting trips planned before the end of this year, Kat continues her journey of living her best life one bucket list at a time.
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