
BlackGirl Fest 2018

October 15, 2018

Psst! TravelEatSlay will be exhibiting at Black Girl Festival 2018

What awesome news to kick start the week.. we are very excited!!

About BlackGirlFest:

Created by Paula Akpan and Nicole Crentsil, BlackGirlFest is the UK’s first ever festival celebrating black women and girls. Birthed last year with the need to showcase topics and conversations that London’s badass black women can relate to and take centre stage like media, motherhood and natural hair, this year the festival is bigger and better.

In the words of Paula Akpan “This is needed because black British women are never truly celebrated for just existing in a world that places us at the bottom of the heap. It’s so important to acknowledge the unique struggle that black women face in terms of misogynoir while living in a country where people think racism doesn’t exist.”

Attending? Stop by booth 46 and say hello!

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